The purpose of this policy is to establish minimum standards for the maintenance of properties within the Cedar Hollow Lakes community. The following guidelines have been adopted by the Board of Directors of the Cedar Hollow Lake Homeowner’s Association and are part of the policies supported by the Bylaws and/or the Declarations governing this Association.
Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance: All landscaping, shrubs, trees and lawns should be manicured and maintained in a reasonable and prudent manner to remain harmonious with that of other lawns in Cedar Hollow Lake Homeowners Association. Dead trees and shrubs located within maintained portions of member property that can be seen from roadways should be removed in a timely manner. If not, you will receive a notice to remove the item within 10 days of the date on the email or letter that will be sent by the Board of Directors or the property management company. Daily fines up to $100 per day may begin accumulating at that time but will be voided if remedied within the 10 days. An extension up to 30 days should be requested if more time is needed.
Landscaping shall consist of plant materials native to the area and commonly used in residential landscaping, which do not interfere with the sight lines of motorists at intersections of the streets and/or driveways located within the development and shall not require approval by the Board of Directors. Artificial flowers, plants or turf are not permitted for outdoor use in landscaping, or visible from front porches whether hanging from outside lamps, wall hooks or entryways. Artificial flowers in seasonal outdoor wreaths are acceptable.
Outside Property Exposure: Outdoor exposed storage (whether in yards, driveways, or visible entryways) of personal property such as hobby equipment, ladders, wheelbarrows, yard equipment tools, or items including toys, motorcycles, riding mowers, tricycles, bicycles, small boats, kayaks, or canoes shall not remain in exposed areas that can be seen from any street for more than 48 hours.
Exterior Maintenance: Each owner shall be responsible for the exterior maintenance of his or her dwelling and lot as follows: painting, replacement and care of roofs, gutters, down spouts, exterior building surfaces, fences, driveways, and walkways.
Exterior Building/Residence Changes & Architectural Request: Any homeowner wishing to make changes to the exterior of his/her residence, including landscaping that requires trees more than 4” in diameter be removed, new driveways, retaining walls, fencing and the outdoor color of your home, must first be submitted on our Architectural Approval Form to be reviewed by the HOA Board of Directors. This form may be obtained from the Management Company or on our member login. Note that all redbud, dogwood and sourwood trees of every size shall be retained. If you’re a lot owner, tree removal more than 4” in diameter needs to be approved before cutting.
Construction and Home Improvement Items: If the work is being done by a commercial builder, all construction refuse including plumbing, discarded appliances, electrical, carpeting, flooring, sheet rock, cabinets, discarded doors (etc) shall be placed in a large commercial collection container or removed within 48 hours. If the job is DIY, all like material must be removed from the property within 48 hours.